Monday, February 22, 2010

1.1 Introduction to ICT. DEFINE ICT.

1. Information = Refers to the knowledge obtained reading,investigation,study or research.

2. Communication = Is an act transmitting messages.It is a process where by information
is exchanged between individuals using symbols,sign or verbal interacting.

3. Technology = Is the use of scientific knowledge,experience and resourse.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Define Computer Ethics, Code of Ethics, Intellectual Property, Privacy, Computer Crime and Cyber Law.

1. Computer Ethics.
- It is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decision regarding professionals and social conduct.

2. Code of Ethics.
- It refers to a general agreement an accompanying legal document within a bussiness or organization that outliness a approriate behaviour and decision making in accordance with the organization's politicies.

3.Intellectual Property.
- It refers to creations of the mind inventions,literary and artistic work and symbols,names,images,and designs used in commerce.

4. Privacy.
- The quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others.

5. Computer Crime.
- Perbuatan jenayah terhadap komputer contoh lihat filem biru.

6.Cyber Law.
- Rapidly evolving area of civil and criminal law as applicable to the use computers and activities performed and transaction conducted over intend and other networks.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


1. Bahasa Melayu.
2. Bahasa Inggeris.
3. Matematik.
4. Sains.
5. Perdagangan.
6. Ekonomi Asas.
7. Pendidikan Moral.
9. ICT.